Schedule Install

Contact Form Demo (#3)

Check Service Availability

Enter in your address and we'll check if we have coverage available.

Service Available!

Service looks to be available at this address.  We'll have a person double check.

Select Serivce Package and Options

You won't pay anything until you are installed.  Service is billed a month in advance.  The total bill at time of install will be the prorated amount for services + services for next month + Installation Fee.

Select Installation Fee or Contract

We have three different options for the installation fee.

  1. $200 No long term contract
  2. $100 with a 1 year contract
  3. Free with 2 year contract

Schedule Day and Time for Installation

Select the best days and times for installation.  You will receive a confirmation email once the day get's closer.  

If you have limited availability, need a definite time, or different day, let us know in the message field below.  We can usually be flexible. 


What would you like your WiFi name (SSID), and password to be?  The password needs to be a minimum of 8 characters.

Issues with Internet

We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your internet service.